079 – Muse-O-Matic

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A couple days ago, I stumbled upon the website of Tim Thompson. He is a software engineer, musician, and installation artist. I found his site through Soundcloud because I was searching for sounds created by a TX81z synth (I recently got one on ebay). For a long time now, I’ve wanted an FM synth for my home studio. I love the sound of the Yamaha DX synths and the TX81Z is a rackmount FM synth. Anyways, Tim has a beautiful piece called Autograph, created entirely with the TX81Z.
After discovering that song, I found his personal website and discovered all kinds of interesting things. One of them was this online ‘Tune Toy’ called Muse-O-Matic. You type a word into it and it generates music based on an algorithm, which is explained on the page as well.
I typed in my wife’s name, Rosalie. This is fitting because the dictionary defines muse as “a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.” I took the MIDI file that was generated into Logic Pro and used a plucked and delayed guitar-like sound that I am fond of and have customized a little bit.
Tim Thompson