131 – End-Pin Installation

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I just installed an end-pin jack and piezo in my first guitar, an Oscar Schmidt acoustic. After that, I put some new strings on it to bring it back to life. I haven’t played it in a while and I figured that it would be a good instrument to practice drilling/installing/modifying. In the future, I plan on putting a piezo into my Ukulele and Lap Harp. These projects take a good deal longer than I usually think they will, but the outcome is rewarding. The instruments will definitely get more use now.
Once the guitar was ready to go and tuned, I played some of the first chords I ever learned and it brought back a lot of memories for me, especially the first summer I took guitar lessons. The guitar sounds a LOT better with these new strings. This sound clip is my first test of the new pickup and I’m playing something like that simple progression I learned when I was 14 years old (the strings are still stretching but it was mostly in tune).