063 – A Walk In The Park

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Today Rosalie and I went for a walk in Schenley Park. I took some photos and made some hydrophone recording of the tiny stream that runs through the valley where the park is. This turned out really well and I’m excited to go other places to make more recordings. A friend told me about Racoon State Park, which is about 30-35 miles away, and I plan on checking it out sometime in the spring. He said that it would be a great place to make field recordings and take pictures because it is preserved and there is also a mineral spring/waterfall.
I got an induction coil pickup in the mail 2 days ago and I’m excited to start using it. It will allow me to make recordings of electronics and the internal sounds that they make. I’ll be sure to post some examples of the sounds I discover. What is exciting about the hydrophone and this pickup is that they allow me to make recordings of things that are simply unheard otherwise. These sounds will probably surface somewhere in a new release in the future.