Noise Cycle

Comments for the post '340 – Erase Head Modification (reel to reel)'

henry May 8th, 2013 at 1:14 pm

Hi – this mod looks very interesting. Do you have any instructions on doing this? I want to try it on a UHER I have. Cannae seem to find much info on the web so would appreciate a few pointers

jbutler May 8th, 2013 at 5:43 pm

If I remember correctly, I had to locate the main wire that connected to the erase head and I routed it first to a switch and then to the erasehead, which allowed me to toggle it on and off. You can also route it to a potentiometer too, which might be better since when you flip the switch in record mode, it makes a popping noise. A potentiometer would possibly allow for a smoother transition when turning the erase head off or on. Hope that helps!

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